Autism Spectrum Disorder and NeuroMovement®
Has your child been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum?
Are you wondering how you can help your child overcome his or her challenges?
Are you searching for a holistic approach to autism?
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® is a science-based approach that is supported by leading neuroscientists and brain research. Our focus is on improving the quality of the functioning of the brain itself. With a better, stronger brain, the child on the autism spectrum will begin moving, thinking, interacting, and feeling better!
A Holistic Approach to Autism with NeuroMovement®
This holistic approach to autism, with its many different, gentle movements and the 9 Essentials, offers powerful tools that provide transformational help for children diagnosed with autism, Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD, and many other conditions.
“I think the Anat Baniel Method and Kids Beyond Limits has a great contribution to make to our collective practical efforts to make the best lives possible for children with autism—and other neurodevelopmental disabilities.”
~Dr. Martha Herbert, MD, PhD, Neuro-Pediatrician, Author of The Autism Revolution
Click here to learn why Dr. Herbert supports NeuroMovement for stroke, autism, and other conditions.
What Is Different About this Holistic Approach for Children with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder?
With Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, we understand that the job of the brain is to put order in the disorder and make sense out of the nonsense. The brain of the child on the autism spectrum has difficulty in doing so.
With NeuroMovement® and the 9 Essentials, we wake up the brain of the child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and support the brain’s ability to make sense of what he or she feels and perceives. Learn more about NeuroMovement and the 9 Essentials.
This leads to the creation of new connections in the brain, and dramatic improvements in movement organization and coordination, thinking, and interacting with others.
With this approach, the world begins to make more sense for children on the autism spectrum.
We do not seek to “fix” the child. Rather we look to connect with the child and serve as a bridge for the child to connect to her or himself.
We know that the brain requires the feeling of safety and great variability in order to become the brilliant brain it can be.

Testimonials From Our Parents
For over 30 years, we have seen breakthrough results for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as they discover new ways to move, think, and interact with people and the world around them.

Teo’s Mom
“After my son’s first week of sessions with Anat I knew that it was the way. Teo was paying so much attention for the first time in his life. He began making sounds that I never heard before. At home he became more curious and more aware of his surroundings and was able to figure out how to play with more of his toys. He was exploring the world around him. I fell in love with the method – so gentle, yet so powerful. Through this work I gained amazing tools to work with my son and at the same time rediscover what was very important not only for my son, but for myself and my family.”

Jack’s Mom
“At 15 months our son Jack was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. He wasn’t making eye contact or babbling, and did not seek our affection. He played for long times by himself and he did not respond to his name. After his first few lessons with Anat and Marcy, he hugged me spontaneously for the first time and began seeking contact with others. His movements became much more fluid and he began vocalizing. Now eight months later Jack is talking, engages in play with others, and seeks to be the center of attention…. his pediatrician told us that Jack is no longer on the autism spectrum.”

Michelle B.
Isaac’s Mom
“Isaac is our second child and was very different from our first from the start. When Isaac went to the first grade he was diagnosed as having Asperger Syndrome, Sensory Integration Disorder, and a Visual Disability. Isaac got his first lesson with Anat when he was about to turn eight. The changes in Isaac in the last 6 months since he has been working with Anat are miraculous. He is so much happier in himself! He is making more friends at school. He is trying things that he never tried before. He laughs, he smiles, he learns with ease. Isaac is now spiraling up instead of spiraling down.” Read more about Isaac’s progress.
How to Help Children with Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Other Challenges
We know that the brain learns its experience, and not necessarily what we want or intend for it to learn. With NeuroMovement, we do not ask your child to do what he cannot do. We avoid “practicing” many repetitions of your child’s limitations. We don’t want these patterns of failure to groove into your child’s brain.
Instead, we introduce novelty to your child in gentle and safe ways. We start with movements and activities that are similar to what your child is already doing. We introduce the best conditions for learning with the 9 Essentials, and use the same process in which typically developing children learn.
We help your child become a brilliant learner.

About Anat Baniel
A trained clinical psychologist, dancer, and close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade, Anat Baniel is perhaps best known today as the founder of Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®.
She is the author of two highly acclaimed books about this transformational methodology: Move Into Life: NeuroMovement for Lifelong Vitality and Kids Beyond Limits.
Anat Baniel has experienced over 30 years of remarkable outcomes with thousands of children with special needs and adults with strokes, injuries, and other limiting conditions. It is through this experience that she developed her innovative, scientifically based approach with concrete and easy-to-use tools—the Nine Essentials—that enable children and adults to move beyond their limitations, making the seemingly impossible possible.
Anat Baniel’s work is at the forefront of the emerging brain plasticity field, helping wake up the brain to its greater potency for learning and change throughout life. Anat has trained hundreds of practitioners in this Method. She collaborates with leading neuroscientists, doctors, and educators including Dr. Michael Merzenich, Dr. Martha Herbert, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Dr. Elizabeth Torres, and others. She and her team work out of the Anat Baniel Method® Center in San Rafael, California.