Private One-On-One Lessons and Online Coaching

Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Private One-On-One Lessons

Anat Baniel Method

You can request private lessons at the ABM Center with a certified Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® (ABMNM) Practitioner.

These Functional Synthesis (FS) sessions are individual, one-on-one lessons that utilize movement and the 9 Essentials to bring about immediate changes through positive brain change. Click here to learn more about brain plasticity.

The practitioner customizes each lesson to the particular needs, situation, and skill level of the client. The work is very gentle, utilizing movement as the mechanism of communication with the brain.

Clients are called “students” because the sessions bring about transformations through a powerful process of experiential learning.

Functional Synthesis lessons are done with students as young as a few days old, all the way to people in their 90’s. The lessons are normally between 25 to 45 minutes long.

ABM NeuroMovement® Intensives and Our Collaborative Approach

We have a collaborative team approach, which we have found to be extremely effective. Over time, you or your child will work with two or three of our Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) Center Practitioners.

At the ABM Center, we work with both adults and children in what we call “intensives.” An intensive is a minimum of 5 lessons in 5 days and up to 10 lessons in 5 days for one or more consecutive weeks. We’ve discovered working in this way provides the best results, with outcomes that often seem “miraculous.” Over time, as the child or adult improves, the frequency of lessons will taper off.

Between visits, especially in the beginning, we often suggest 1-2 lessons a week until the next intensive. Whenever possible, we give people suggestions for what they can do on their own in their daily life, for themselves and their children.

ABM NeuroMovement® – Online at Home Coaching (OAHC) Program

During Covid-19 sheltering in place, children and adults with special needs continue to need our work. It is for this reason that Anat created a new program Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® – Online at Home Coaching (OAHC), done online using Zoom.

These are coaching sessions where an ABM NeuroMovement® Practitioner guides a caregiver in implementing the 9 Essentials of the Method.

This coaching helps wake up the brain of the child, or adult, to create positive changes for everyone.

Note: Able adults can get Online at Home Coaching sessions without a caregiver.

Click here to get the details on our Online at Home Coaching Program.

Schedule Consultations, Private Sessions, and Online Coaching

To schedule consults, private sessions, or online coaching with Anat Baniel or one of the ABMNM Team Practitioners, click the button below:

We require every request in writing, without exception.

We schedule consultations and appointments on a first-come, first-served basis in conjunction with Anat’s recommended program.



Mon – Fri 8:30am – 4:30pm

“Anat applies the exact same principles when helping people overcome limitation that I used to recover my brain and body from stroke. She understands that for any meaningful change to happen in the way we think, move, and use our body, the change has to happen in the brain.” ~Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD, Neuroanatomist, and Bestselling Author of My Stroke of Insight book and TED Talk

Click here to view why doctors and scientists support this Method.

NeuroMovement® Revolution Podcast

Breakthrough Possibilities for Your Life Through the Brain’s Power to Change

The 9 Essentials

Quick, daily tips to overcome pain & increase your vitality