Kids Beyond Limits : Highly Acclaimed Book by Anat Baniel

Anat Baniel’s scientifically based, cutting-edge work has been transforming the lives of children with special needs for more than 30 years.
This practical and informative book describes how to apply the 9 Essentials to deepen your understanding of what your child needs to overcome special challenges.
Kids Beyond Limits book

Kids Beyond Limits includes success stories of children with a vast range of difficult challenges—from autism to complex genetic issues. It helps all children maximize their potential, no matter what their diagnosis. Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® is truly holistic and in accord with how the brain grows.

“Kids Beyond Limits is a great gift to every person who loves a child in great need of help. This book is an important manifesto expressing important practical implications of what I have called ‘the brain plasticity revolution.’ I strongly encourage you to take the advice presented in this book seriously so that you have a clearer idea about how you might be able to really help that child that you love.”

~Michael Merzenich, PhD, “Father” of brain plasticity science and Author of Soft-Wired

Click here to read the book foreword by Michael Merzenich.

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the Gift of NeuroMovement®

Anat Baniel books
Sign Up and Receive:
  • 2 chapters from Move Into Life: NeuroMovement for Lifelong Vitality
  • 2 chapters from Kids Beyond Limits
  • 2 NeuroMovement Video Lessons
  • Video of Dr. Michael Merzenich: The Power of Brain Plasticity


Doctors and Professionals Who Endorse Kids Beyond Limits and NeuroMovement®

children with special needs
Norman Doidge, MD
author of The Brain’s Way of Healing and The Brain That Changes Itself

“This accessible, insightful, practical book for parents of children with special needs will profoundly deepen their ability to help their children improve.”
Read Dr. Doidge’s full testimonial here.

children with special needs
Harvey Karp, MD, FAAP
creator of the DVD and book The Happiest Toddler on the Block

“Kids Beyond Limits brings great hope for children with special needs. Sharing insights and wisdom gleaned over a long career, this wonderful book illustrates how to engage the miraculous capacities of the brain to change and heal. The stories will inspire you and the techniques will bring new possibilities to your child’s life and future.”

children with special needs
John Gray, PhD
relationship counselor and author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

“Anat’s work with children is magical. She’s their brain whisperer. This hugely important work will free special needs children and their parents from fear and limitation moving them into a world of new possibilities and joy.”

Why did Anat Baniel write Kids Beyond Limits?

I wrote this book for parents and caregivers of children with special needs. In my book, I share my 30 years experience of working with children with special needs. I explain the principles and the knowledge of my work that has helped to bring about astonishing breakthroughs to thousands of children.

The book teaches the Nine Essentials that are absolutely necessary to wake up the child’s brain, helping it gain the information it needs to successfully organize the child’s process of development in both body and mind.

In my book, you get tools to access the miraculous capacity of your child’s brain to change and to grow. You will discover the remarkable ability your child has to wake up and become a powerful learner. And you will marvel at the astounding speed with which he or she does it!

This revolutionary Method yields breakthrough results for children with autism, Asperger’s, cerebral palsy, brain damage, ADHD, genetic disorders, undiagnosed developmental delays, and many other conditions.

Discover why Anat Baniel wins praises of parents, children and professionals, and how you can apply this approach to help your own child. View more testimonials.

Kids Beyond Limits - Turkish translation

Sinirini Asan Cocuklar

Otizm, Asperger Sendromu, dikkat eksikligi hiperaktivite bozuklugu olan cocuklar icin etkili sonuclar…ozel gereksinimi olan cocugunuza nasil yardimci olabilirsiniz?Onun yeteneklerini gelistirmek icin neler yapabilirsiniz?Anat Baniel Metodu nedir, hangi durumlarda fayda saglar?Cocuklar gelisimleri bakimindan farklilik gosterir. Bazi cocuklar ozeldir; onlari ozel kilan sey bir sorun gibi gorunse de aslinda sadece ozel bir yaklasima ihtiyaclari vardir. Bu ihtiyaclarin nasil karsilanabileceginden yola cikan Anat Baniel, beynin muhtesem degisim gucunu de kullanarak tum anne babalar ve egitimciler icin kendi adini tasiyan ozel bir metot gelistirdi.

Anat Baniel Metodu, cocuklari yapamadiklarina zorlamak yerine bag kurmaya odaklanarak, onlarin ve anne babalarin stresten arinmalarini, odaklanmalarini ve gelismelerini sagliyor. En onemlisi de tanilari ne olursa olsun, cocuklarin potansiyellerini en iyi sekilde kullanarak sinirlarini asmalarina yardimci oluyor.Anat Baniel, beynin kendini olumlu yonde degistirmesine imkin veren muhtesem yetenekle nasil mucizeler yaratilabilecegini ustalikla anlatiyor. Unutmayin, hicbir cocuk “umutsuz vaka” degildir, sadece onu dogru yonlendirmek gerekir…(Tanitim Bulteninden)Sayfa Sayisi: 280Baski Yili: 2016Dili: TurkceYayinevi: Dogan Kitap

La méthode Anat Baniel

Des techniques douces et novatrices pour aider le cerveau d’un enfant handicapé à former de nouvelles connexions neuronales!

LA MÉTHODE Anat Baniel vise à aider les enfants atteints de différents troubles (autisme, Asperger*, paralysie cérébrale, TDAH, etc.) à aller au-delà du pronostic initial concernant leur développement physique et cérébral. Reconnue pour son efficacité, la méthode repose sur la maîtrise de neuf éléments dont le cerveau a besoin pour s’éveiller et pour développer son plein potentiel.

Tout au long du livre, l’auteur l’illustre grâce à de nombreux exemples destinés à faciliter la compréhension des parents et fournit des outils concrets à mettre en pratique au quotidien. Les éléments essentiels, et les outils qui leur sont associés, exploitent les récentes découvertes dans le domaine de la neuroplasticité, c’est-à-dire la capacité du cerveau à se remodeler par lui-même.

Que votre enfant ait ou non des besoins particuliers, vous découvrirez qu’il est possible de dépasser ses limites et d’accomplir des progrès inespérés !

Kids Beyond Limits - French translation
NOTE: Kids Beyond Limits has also been translated into Russian.
Anat Baniel works with children and adults

About Anat Baniel

A trained clinical psychologist, dancer, and close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade, Anat Baniel is perhaps best known today as the founder of Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®.

She is the author of two highly acclaimed books about this transformational methodology: Move Into Life: NeuroMovement for Lifelong Vitality and Kids Beyond Limits.

Anat Baniel has experienced over 30 years of remarkable outcomes with thousands of children with special needs and adults with strokes, injuries, and other limiting conditions. It is through this experience that she developed her innovative, scientifically based approach with concrete and easy-to-use tools—the Nine Essentials—that enable children and adults to move beyond their limitations, making the seemingly impossible possible.

Anat Baniel’s work is at the forefront of the emerging brain plasticity field, helping wake up the brain to its greater potency for learning and change throughout life. Anat has trained hundreds of practitioners in this Method. She collaborates with leading neuroscientists, doctors, and educators including Dr. Michael Merzenich, Dr. Martha Herbert, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Dr. Elizabeth Torres, and others. She and her team work out of the Anat Baniel Method® Center in San Rafael, California.

NeuroMovement®: The 9 Essentials

Quick, daily tips to overcome pain & increase your vitality