Anat Baniel – Education, Presentations, and Publications
Anat Baniel was trained as a clinical psychologist, dancer, and statistician.
MA in Clinical Psychology, Tel Aviv University
BA in Psychology and Statistics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
At the same time, Anat Baniel pursued her passion for dance. She also worked as a psychologist for the Israeli Army for a number of years.
Anat Baniel studied the Feldenkrais Method with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.
Anat Baniel was first a student and then a close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade.
While in graduate school, Anat Baniel began studying with Dr. Feldenkrais. After graduating from his Feldenkrais training program in 1977, Anat began working full time as a teacher in the Feldenkrais Method.
While still living in Israel, Anat began teaching the work of Feldenkrais in the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. She also taught for Dr. Feldenkrais in his Tel Aviv Institute and in his professional trainings. Then, she developed her own practice, evolving her work with Feldenkrais into the Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement.
“Movement Is the Language of the Brain.”
~Anat Baniel
Speaking Engagements and Presentations
To see the locations for the ABM NeuroMovement workshops that Anat Baniel has taught across the US and worldwide, please go to:
In addition, Anat Baniel has spoken and presented at a wide variety of conferences and for professional organizations around the world. Below is a sampling of the events and the topics.
Heart-Based Medicine Summit, San Francisco, CA, September 2019
NeuroMovement: Being the Love you Want to Bring to Your Patients
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Stockbridge, MA, June 28 – 30, 2019
NeuroMovement®: From Pain and Limitation to Fitness and Vitality Workshop
Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition International Conference, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, July 28, 2018
Positive Neuroplasticity Through Movement: Demonstration of Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement®
Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition International Conference, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, July 27, 2018
The Noisy Brain: Autism Spectrum Disorder Understood as a Disorder of NeuroMovement Underlying Cognitive, Behavioral, and Social Challenges
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, March 2, 2018, Austin, TX
Keynote: NeuroMovement®: Transcending our Vision of What is Possible for the Visually Impaired Child
Eileen Fisher LifeWork Workshop, October 15, 2017, Irvington, NY
New Hope for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder & Other Developmental Challenges
Eileen Fisher LifeWork Workshop, October 14, 2017, Irvington, NY
NeuroMovement: Wake Up Your Brain, Your Body, & Your Life
Course for 1440 Multiversity, October 6-8, 2017, Santa Cruz, CA
NeuroMovement for Pain Relief, Vitality, and Well-Being
Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC) Convention, July 2017, Santa Clara, CA
NeuroMovement: Waking Up Your Student’s Brain to be a Brilliant Learning Brain
Diner Conference, 16 bis avenue Elisée Reclus, June 20, 2017 Paris, France
NeuroMovement for Children with Special Needs Presentation
Institute for Functional Medicine International Conference, June 2017, Los Angeles, CA
The Dynamic Brain: Revealing the Potential of Neuroplasticity to Reverse Neurodegeneration
Joint Presentation with Dr. Martha Herbert: Rehabilitation and Recovery with NeuroMovement
Royal University Hospital Department of Pediatrics, University of Saskatchewan, May 4, 2017, Saskatoon, Canada.
NeuroMovement: Transforming the Lives of Children with Special Needs: A Breakthrough Approach Based On Neuroplasticity
Clinical Neuroscience Grand Rounds at Royal University Hospital, University of Saskatchewan, May 5, 2017, Saskatoon, Canada
Neuroplasticity in Stroke Rehabilitation: Breakthrough Outcomes and Recovery through Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement
10th Annual International ADHD Professionals Conference, April 2017, Reston, VA
Keynote Address: Practical Applications of Neuroplasticity Principles—The Nine Essentials—For Motor and Cognitive Breakthroughs for the Adult and Child with ADD/ADHD
Wisdom 2.0 Conference: Merging Wisdom & Technology, February 2017, San Francisco, CA
Wake Up Your Brain, Your Body and Your Life
Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement International Conference, February 2017, San Rafael, CA
The Reviews Are In: First ABM NeuroMovement International Conference Was Extraordinary!
Eileen Fisher Learning Lab, November 2016, Irvington, NY
Waking Up Your Brain, Your Body and Your Life
International Hemispherectomy Conference, July 2016, Denver, CO
Keynote – Thinking Outside of the Box: The Anat Baniel Method
Salk Institute for Biological Studies and Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center, University of California, 2016, San Diego, CA
Transforming Clinical Outcomes in Neurological Rehabilitation
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Health & Fitness Summit & Expo, March 2016, Orlando, FL
NeuroMovement® for Whole Body Fitness
Wisdom 2.0 Conference, February 2016, San Francisco, CA
NeuroMovement®: Moving Beyond Pain and Limitation
Eileen Fisher Learning Lab, December 2015, Irvington, NY
NeuroMovement® for a Vibrant Life
Collaborative Effort with Dr. Michael Merzenich, October 2015, Morocco
Transforming Rehabilitation with NeuroMovement and the Nine Essentials
Down Syndrome Innovations Conference, September 2015, Little Rock, AK
NeuroMovement: Turning the Child with Down Syndrome into a Potent Learner
Turnabout for Autism: 10 Things You Can Do To Help Improve Your Life with Autism Today, April 2015, Pleasanton, CA, Movement and Learning
International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation (IAFNR) Conference, Henderson, NV, October 2014
NeuroMovement: Leveraging the Power of the Brain to Change for Transforming Clinical Outcomes
Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, October 2014, Tucson, AZ
NeuroMovement: The Art and Practice of Healing with the Anat Baniel Method
National Ability Center, June 2014, Park City, UT
Children with Special Needs Workshop and Implementing the 9 Essentials in Daily Life
ICare4Autism International Autism Conference, July 2014, New York City, NY
NeuroMovement®: Viewing ASD as a Brain/Movement Disorder can lead to Breakthrough Outcomes for the Child on the Spectrum
12th Annual AutismOne Conference, May 2014, Chicago, IL
NeuroMovement: Tools for Taking Advantage of the Remarkable Capacities of the Brain to Change, Turning the Child on the Autism Spectrum into a Brilliant Learner
11th Annual Nutrition and Health Conference, May 2014, Dallas, TX
The Language of Pain Pre-Conference Presentation: NeuroMovement: Leveraging the Power of Brain Change to Overcome Pain
13th Annual New Living Expo, April 2014, San Mateo, CA
Tenth World Congress on Brain Injury, March 2014, San Francisco, CA
NeuroMovement®: Practical Applications for Leveraging the Power of the Brain to Change in Transforming Clinical Outcomes in Children with Brain Injury
International Congress for Clinicians in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, October 2013, Chicago, IL
Leveraging the Power of the Brain to Change Itself to Transform Clinical Outcomes with Adults and Children with Special Needs with the Anat Baniel Method
11th Annual Pacific Northwest Brain Injury Conference, March 2013, Portland, OR
Keynote: Transforming the Lives of Children and Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Through Practical Applications of Brain Plasticity Principles
The Center for Discovery, November 2012, Monticello, NY
Children with Special Needs Presentation and Demonstration
Arizona “Back to School” Autism/Asperger’s Conference, August 2012, Phoenix, AZ
The Anat Baniel Method and the 9 Essentials
AutismOne Conference 2012, May 2012, Chicago, IL
Joint Panel with Dr. Martha Herbert
Anat Baniel Method, Brain Plasticity and How to Drive Positive Changes in Children on the Autism Spectrum
Anat Baniel Presents Brain Plasticity and the Nine Essentials at TEDx Berkeley, February 2011
TEDxBerkeley – Anat Baniel
About Anat Baniel
A trained clinical psychologist, dancer, and close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade, Anat is perhaps best known today as the founder of Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®.
Anat Baniel has experienced over 30 years of remarkable outcomes with thousands of children with special needs and adults with strokes, injuries, and other limiting conditions. It is through this experience that she developed her innovative, scientifically based approach with concrete and easy-to-use tools—the Nine Essentials—that enable children and adults to move beyond their limitations, making the seemingly impossible possible.
Anat Baniel’s work is at the forefront of the emerging brain plasticity field, helping wake up the brain to its greater potency for learning and change throughout life. Anat has trained hundreds of practitioners in this Method. She collaborates with leading neuroscientists, doctors, and educators including Dr. Michael Merzenich, Dr. Martha Herbert, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Dr. Elizabeth Torres, and others. She and her team work out of the Anat Baniel Method® Center in San Rafael, California.