How We Work With Your Child
How to Prepare for Your Visit to the ABM Center
Before you come to the ABM Center, we strongly encourage parents to learn about the Nine Essentials. Reading Anat Baniel’s book Kids Beyond Limits is a great place to start!
We’d like you to begin using the Essentials with your child as soon as possible. Learn more about NeuroMovement and the 9 Essentials here.
In addition, we encourage parents to experience the work themselves to better understand what their child is experiencing.
What Can You Expect?
Expect Your Child to Become a Learner!
With Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, we always work with your child where he or she is at the present time. Our approach is very gentle, using movements and the 9 Essentials that help your child’s brain to wake up and grow, learn, and evolve.
We do not focus on trying to have your child accomplish a specific developmental milestone at a given time. We believe that every child develops at his or her own rate through an individual and unique path.
When you bring your child to see a NeuroMovement® Practitioner, what you can expect is for your child to begin changing almost immediately.
You can expect us to guide you in seeing the changes and what they mean. You can expect your child to become a learner, and often a brilliant learner over time.
You can expect your child to continuously improve how she or he moves, thinks, feels, and interacts with others.
What Can You Expect?
Expect Your Child to Become a Learner!
With Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, we always work with your child where he or she is at the present time. Our approach is very gentle, using movements and the 9 Essentials that help your child’s brain to wake up and grow, learn, and evolve.
We do not focus on trying to have your child accomplish a specific developmental milestone at a given time. We believe that every child develops at his or her own rate through an individual and unique path.
When you bring your child to see a NeuroMovement® Practitioner, what you can expect is for your child to begin changing almost immediately.
You can expect us to guide you in seeing the changes and what they mean. You can expect your child to become a learner, and often a brilliant learner over time.
You can expect your child to continuously improve how she or he moves, thinks, feels, and interacts with others.
NeuroMovement® Intensives and Our Collaborative Approach
At the Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) Center, we work with the children in what we call “intensives.” Between visits, especially in the beginning, we often suggest 1-2 lessons a week until the next intensive. Whenever possible, we give parents suggestions for what they can do with their child on their own in their daily life.
We have a collaborative team approach, which we have found to be extremely effective. Over time, your child will usually work with two or three of our ABM Center Practitioners. Click here to learn about our team of Practitioners.