Anat Baniel Method Has Been Featured On

New ABM®NeuroMovement® Live Online Workshops
- Continued Recovery of Function After Brain Trauma
- Vitality, Anti-Aging And Pain Relief
- Breakthrough Outcomes For The Child With Special Needs
- How to Use The Nine Essentials With The Child With Special Needs
- Healthy Backs - Gain Strength and Flexibility at Any Age & Reduce Pain
We all have the potential to be incredible learners.The brain is capable of doing what we have not even considered to be possible!
Scientists are realizing more and more the brain’s remarkable capacity to change for the better.
Under the right conditions, the brain can get better and stronger, and do so throughout life.
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® wakes up the brain to create new connections and new patterns that dramatically improve physical, cognitive, and emotional performance.
Thousands of people from all over the world have already experienced this firsthand:
- children with special needs, from a few days old to teenagers
- children and adults who have suffered strokes and other brain trauma
- athletes, musicians, and other high performers
- people suffering from back, neck, and joint pain
- people with Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and other chronic diseases
- people who want to live life more fully with greater vitality and joy
How We Can Help You
Your Brain Is Made for Change
Our brains are always changing in response to our every experience. This is called neuroplasticity. These changes can be positive—leading us to greater well-being and a more vibrant life. Or the changes can be negative (back, neck, and joint pain or limitation, and the deterioration after trauma or as people age).
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®—developed by Anat Baniel—is a groundbreaking, systematic, and highly effective way to communicate with the brain and take advantage of its natural ability to make positive, immediate, and powerful changes.
NeuroMovement utilizes neuroplasticity exercises that can be used at any age to rewire your brain to overcome pain and reach higher levels of physical, emotional, and cognitive performance.
This Method taps into neuroplasticity through movement and the Nine Essentials which Anat defined. Supported by neuroscience research, these principles provide the conditions that the brain requires to bring life-changing results to children and adults.

Why Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor Recommends
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®
“Anat applies the exact same principles when helping people overcome limitation that I used to recover my brain and body from stroke.”
“She understands that for any meaningful change to happen in the way we think, move, and use our body, the change has to happen in the brain.”
~Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD, World Renowned Author of My Stroke of Insight, Ted Talk Presenter, and International Public Speaker
Why Dr. Michael Merzenich Supports
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®
“Scientists have defined the ‘rules’ governing brain plasticity. Anat Baniel, working in parallel along a completely different path, has defined almost exactly the same rules and interprets them in practical and understandable human terms as the Nine Essentials.
These powerful, practical strategies for improving your abilities and building a better, stronger brain, should also contribute richly to your own, more enlightened parenting, grandparenting, or clinical intervention.”
~Dr. Michael Merzenich, PhD, Professor Emeritus UCSF, “Father” of brain plasticity science, Winner of the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, and Author of Soft-Wired
Praise From Our Parents & Clients
Children and adults who have experienced breakthrough results with NeuroMovement®
Consider Giving Yourself or a Loved One
the Gift of NeuroMovement®
the Gift of NeuroMovement®

The 9 Essentials of Positive Brain Change
The Nine Essentials are the brain’s requirements for waking up the brain to do its job well. Each Essential helps the brain create new connections and avoid the rigidity of limiting patterns and habits. The 9 Essentials open up delightful, and often surprising, new possibilities.
Nine Essentials:
- 1Movement with Attention
- 2Slow
- 3Variation
- 4Subtlety
- 5Flexible Goals
- 6The Learning Switch
- 7Imagination & Dreams
- 8Awareness
- 9Enthusiasm
“Movement Is the Language of the Brain.”
~Anat Baniel
Rewire your brain through movement and the 9 Essentials
to make the seemingly impossible possible:
to make the seemingly impossible possible:

reduce or eliminate aches and pains

recover from injuries more quickly and fully

dramatically increase flexibility, strength, and coordination

think better with enhanced mental clarity

experience more vitality and well-being at any age
Most conditions or challenges that you may have can benefit
from positive brain change using NeuroMovement®.

Movement, combined with the 9 Essentials, is the key to accessing your brain and powerful, positive brain change. Therefore, anyone of any age or ability can benefit from NeuroMovement®. Explore the topics below to learn more.
Children with Special Needs
Help your child with special needs become a brilliant learner and make the seemingly impossible possible. You and your child will find hope, joy, and well-being.
Natural Pain Relief
Discover how to access your brain to move beyond pain and limitation into exuberant, sensual living with our safe and drug-free NeuroMovement® programs.
Whole Brain & Body Fitness
Improve your fitness level while movement becomes easy and pleasurable. Gain greater strength, flexibility, stamina, coordination, self-awareness, and well-being.
Anti-Aging and Wellness
Learn how to improve your mind and body and safely regain flexibilty, creativity, strength, energy, mental clarity, and joy. Live life to the fullest at any age.
Rehabilitation & Recovery of Function
Move to new levels of recovery believed to be impossible. Experience dramatic healing from strokes, brain injuries, PTSD, cerebral palsy, and more.
High Performance
Unleash the power of your brain. Reach new heights in mind & body fitness and performance, whether you are an athlete, musician, CEO, or other high performer.

About Anat Baniel
A trained clinical psychologist, dancer, and close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade, Anat Baniel is perhaps best known today as the founder of Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®.
She is the author of two highly acclaimed books about this transformational methodology: Move Into Life: NeuroMovement for Lifelong Vitality and Kids Beyond Limits.
Anat Baniel has experienced over 30 years of remarkable outcomes with thousands of children with special needs and adults with strokes, injuries, and other limiting conditions. It is through this experience that she developed her innovative, scientifically based approach with concrete and easy-to-use tools—the Nine Essentials—that enable children and adults to move beyond their limitations, making the seemingly impossible possible.
Anat Baniel’s work is at the forefront of the emerging brain plasticity field, helping wake up the brain to its greater potency for learning and change throughout life. Anat has trained hundreds of practitioners in this Method. She collaborates with leading neuroscientists, doctors, and educators including Dr. Michael Merzenich, Dr. Martha Herbert, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Dr. Elizabeth Torres, and others. She and her team work out of the Anat Baniel Method® Center in San Rafael, California.
Latest Posts
Useful Links to Get You Started
NeuroMovement(®) information and training resources, using NeuroMovement(®) for specific conditions, natural pain relief, and more.
From Harder to Smarter – Conquer and Surpass Your New Year’s Fitness Goals! By Neil Sharp*
In 2019, the Anat Baniel Method®NeuroMovement® (ABMNM®) team were approached by Lloydminster Catholic Public School District in Alberta, Canada to explore the possibility of bringing ABMNM® to their six schools.
Thanksgiving – Your Brain on Gratitude and Appreciation
In 2019, the Anat Baniel Method®NeuroMovement® (ABMNM®) team were approached by Lloydminster Catholic Public School District in Alberta, Canada to explore the possibility of bringing ABMNM® to their six schools.