Move Into Life : Bestselling Book by Anat Baniel
Anat Baniel reveals not only how to overcome present aches, pains, and limitations but how to attain greater flexibility, energy, strength, mental clarity, and creativity—no matter what your age or present physical condition!
In the words of bestselling author Larry Dossey, MD: “This book puts living back into life. It is the distilled wisdom of a great guide.”
Through Anat Baniel’s detailed and caring guidance, you’ll discover how to achieve vitality and a sense of new aliveness that you may have not experienced since your childhood.
Endorsed by leading physicians, scientists, clients, and transformational teachers, Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® really works.
“Anat Baniel shows why our mainstream approach is often wrong and at times damaging. The approach here, far wiser, far more subtle, truly holistic, far more ingenious, far more in accord with how brain development occurs, shows ways to access brain plasticity that yields far greater results.”
~Norman Doidge, MD, Bestselling uthor of The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing
Click here to see why other doctors and scientists support this Method.
Consider Giving Yourself or a Loved One
the Gift of NeuroMovement®
the Gift of NeuroMovement®

Doctors and Professionals Who Endorse Move Into Life and NeuroMovement®

Michael Merzenich, PhD
leading neuroscientist and author of Soft-Wired
“Powerful, practical strategies for improving your abilities and building a better, stronger brain…supported by the neuroscience of brain plasticity.”
View a video of Dr. Merzenich discussing this Method.

Marci Shimoff
NY Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason
“Move Into Life is a brilliant and original approach to bringing about rapid change and enhanced vitality. This program gives you access to limitless energy and vibrancy that are at the heart of a happy and satisfying life.”

Daniel Graupe, PhD
Emeritus Adjunct Professor of Neurology & Rehabilitation Medicine, University of IL-Chicago
“Essential reading for anyone seeking to enhance their physical and mental performance and vitality. Based on sound science, the Essentials are not only easy to incorporate into daily life, they are pleasurable, highly effective, and invigorating.”
Why did Anat Baniel write Move Into Life?
I wrote this book because I experience on a daily basis in my practice, with both adults and children, the enormous power of effectively communicating with the brain.
We now know that the brain can form new connections at any time, but it needs the right conditions in order to do so. The Nine Essentials give the brain the conditions to wake it up and start restructuring itself, creating new possibilities.
Anyone can benefit from the Essentials. You can begin applying the Essentials as you read about them and begin experiencing changes right away.
Anat Baniel provides us with the neuroplasticity tools for taking full advantage our brain’s ability for changing itself to heal body and mind.
Through the self-help instructions for Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement, presented in this book, you’ll reap the benefits of neuroplasticity and integrate them into everything you do.
Discover why Anat Baniel wins praises of adults and professionals, and how you can apply this approach in your own life. View more testimonials.
Movimiento Consciente (Spanish Edition)
Por primera vez, Anat Baniel plasma en un libro los principios de un metodo que ha ayudado a miles de personas de toda edad y condicion a expandir su vitalidad y encontrar lo mejor de si mismos.
Basado en las ultimas investigaciones en neurociencia y avalado por el doctor Moshe Feldenkrais, pionero en el estudio de la relacion cuerpo-mente, su enfoque ofrece a todo el mundo la posibilidad de desplegar al maximo sus posibilidades fisicas y mentales.
Nuestro nivel de energia depende directamente del cerebro. Si este carece de lo necesario para desarrollarse, nos aletargamos, reaccionamos menos a los estimulos externos.
Movimiento consciente condensa en nueve principios todo lo que el cerebro precisa para despertar, para crecer mas alla de lo imaginable. Mediante movimientos corporales y ejercicios mentales, a veces muy sutiles, le proporcionaremos valiosa informacion para crear infinidad de nuevas conexiones neuronales, que se traduciran en un vigor renovado, inteligencia, bienestar y entusiasmo sin limites.

About Anat Baniel
A trained clinical psychologist, dancer, and close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade, Anat Baniel is perhaps best known today as the founder of Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®.
She is the author of two highly acclaimed books about this transformational methodology: Move Into Life: NeuroMovement for Lifelong Vitality and Kids Beyond Limits.
Anat Baniel has experienced over 30 years of remarkable outcomes with thousands of children with special needs and adults with strokes, injuries, and other limiting conditions. It is through this experience that she developed her innovative, scientifically based approach with concrete and easy-to-use tools—the Nine Essentials—that enable children and adults to move beyond their limitations, making the seemingly impossible possible.
Anat Baniel’s work is at the forefront of the emerging brain plasticity field, helping wake up the brain to its greater potency for learning and change throughout life. Anat has trained hundreds of practitioners in this Method. She collaborates with leading neuroscientists, doctors, and educators including Dr. Michael Merzenich, Dr. Martha Herbert, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Dr. Elizabeth Torres, and others. She and her team work out of the Anat Baniel Method® Center in San Rafael, California.