Announcing a Website to Honor Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais

Moshe FeldenkraisI have wanted to create a website for my beloved teacher and the great genius Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais for many years now.

That is why I am so thrilled to announce the launch of this new commemorative website in honor of Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais – His Life and Work. With the help of many people, including my web team, this website has finally become a reality, and I am so excited to share it with you.

We invite you to explore the site and ask that you invite your friends and family to visit:

I am profoundly grateful to have known Dr. Feldenkrais and for having had the good fortune to study with him, to travel and work with him, and to spend so much time in his company. I feel incredibly blessed for all that I learned from him, which has impacted my life in remarkable ways, and laid the groundwork for my own approach.

Moshé encouraged and empowered his students to develop and do their work in their own way.

Moshe Feldenkrais quote: Movement Is LifeOr as he once told me:

“Don’t let anyone tell you how to do your work.”

And that included him. He never corrected me. He would only answer my questions.

That is how Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® was created over many years.

What a gift to have found ways to help and contribute to other people, as well as training many wonderful practitioners to do the same.

I’m so happy to share the amazing life and work of Dr. Feldenkrais with you and tell you my personal stories so that you can get a glimpse of this brilliant man, as I knew him.

I invite you to join us on social media and please share your thoughts about this new website.

Anat Baniel