Our Gift for You: From Fixing to Connecting
A Video and Two Powerful Tips to Try With Your Child
A revolution in the area of brain plasticity is currently taking place, with the discovery of the remarkable capacity of the human brain to change itself for the better. Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® is at the forefront of this revolution, helping to make the seemingly impossible possible with thousands of children.
Anat Baniel has developed a method based on Neuroscience principles in which you can truly connect with your child AND wake up her brain to be the best learning brain possible. If you focus on connecting, on what your child CAN do, and provide the right conditions for new information, your child’s brain will create and discover its own solutions.
When trying to help a child overcome his special challenges, the thing that matters most is that the child’s brain is awakened to its highest potential for learning.