NeuroMovement Revolution Episode 6
Driving Positive Brain Change with the First Essential: Movement with Attention
Episode 6 – Driving Positive Brain Change with the First Essential: Movement with Attention
Movement is Life. The brain needs movement to grow and form. However, for successful learning and development, movement alone is not enough. Movement done without attention to the feeling of self only further grooves in existing patterns. With attention to what you feel as you move, billions of new connections are created that usher in remarkable transformations.
In this podcast, Anat Baniel and Neil Sharp discuss:
- the tools for waking up the brain – the 9 Essentials of NeuroMovement®
- research that shows movement with attention creates new connections in the brain
- the potential for everyone to have a stronger, better brain with NeuroMovement®
- ways to potentiate your brain and your child’s brain to grow and change
- how to use Movement with Attention with children with autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, brain injury, and other special needs
- related questions from the audience
Click on the links below to learn more:
Download a list of the 9 Essentials.
Learn more about the book Kids Beyond Limits.
Discover the possibilities with our NeuroMovement video programs.