A Life Unbound Documentary
Discover the Transformative Power That
Neuroplasticity Can Have In Your Life
Join Us for Online Interviews
Meet the Filmmaker and Neuroscientists in A Life Unbound
We invite you to join us via Zoom or Facebook for our LIVE interviews with the filmmaker and five world-renowned experts in the field of brain plasticity, brain health, personal growth, learning, and wellbeing. These interviews are free. See the schedule below.
NOTE: You can view all the recorded interviews on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/anatbanielmethod.
Or, watch for the interview podcasts which will be posted soon!
Geordie Trifa, Film Producer Tuesday, July 28 – 6:00pm PDT
Dr. Rick Hanson Wednesday, July 29 – 11:00am PDT
Dr. Michael Merzenich Thursday, July 30 – 11:00am PDT
Dr. Martha Herbert Thursday, July 30 – 6:00pm PDT
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor Friday, July 31 – 11:00am PDT
Dr. Christina Bethell Saturday, August 1 – 6:00pm PDT
Join the Zoom Meeting Interviews
CLICK HERE to join the interview.
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You can also see the interviews on Facebook: www.facebook.com/anatbanielmethod
Meet the Filmmaker and World Renowned Experts on Neuroscience and Brain Plasticity
Geordie Trifa
Producer of A Life Unbound
Geordie Trifa is a Canadian producer, director, and director of photography of Chinese and Romanian descent. Growing up in an immigrant household, he was connected to his homelands through his father’s strong oral storytelling tradition. Geordie is the creative force behind A Life Unbound, which was released in 2018.
Geordie Trifa
Producer of A Life Unbound
Geordie Trifa is a Canadian producer, director, and director of photography of Chinese and Romanian descent. Growing up in an immigrant household, he was connected to his homelands through his father’s strong oral storytelling tradition. Geordie is the creative force behind A Life Unbound, which was released in 2018. It follows the work of internationally renowned brain/movement pioneer, Anat Baniel.
The film has found a global following screening in over 60 sixty cities around the world. It is nominated in the documentary section of the 2020 Raw Science Film Festival in Los Angeles, California.
Geordie has worked in the film and television industry for nearly a decade, spending two years with CTV. He is also known for Two Bottles of Rakija and Black Rock.(2019)
Geordie has produced and directed countless commercials and short films over the last decade, shooting on nearly every continent on the globe.
Rick Hanson, PhD
Psychologist & Expert on Positive Neuroplasticity
Rick Hanson, PhD, is a psychologist, Senior Fellow of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and New York Times bestselling author. His books have been published in 29 languages and include Neurodharma, Resilient, Hardwiring Happiness, Buddha’s Brain, Just One Thing, and Mother Nurture.
Rick Hanson, PhD
Psychologist & Expert on Positive Neuroplasticity
Rick Hanson, PhD, is a psychologist, Senior Fellow of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and New York Times bestselling author. His books have been published in 29 languages and include Neurodharma, Resilient, Hardwiring Happiness, Buddha’s Brain, Just One Thing and Mother Nurture – with 900,000 copies in English alone.
His free weekly newsletter has about 200,000 subscribers and his online programs have scholarships available for those with financial need. He’s lectured at NASA, Google, Oxford, and Harvard, and taught in meditation centers worldwide.
An expert on positive neuroplasticity, his work has been featured on the BBC, CBS, NPR, and other major media. He began meditating in 1974 and is the founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom.
He and his wife live in northern California and have two adult children. He loves wilderness and taking a break from emails.
Michael Merzenich, PhD
Neuroscientist & “Father” of Brain Plasticity Science
Michael Merzenich, PhD, a world-renowned neuroscientist, is the “father” of brain plasticity science. Dr. Merzenich was awarded the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, for his work in discovering adult brain plasticity and applying its principles to improve the human condition.
Michael Merzenich, PhD
Neuroscientist & “Father” of Brain Plasticity Science
Michael Merzenich, PhD, a world-renowned neuroscientist, is the “father” of brain plasticity science. Dr. Merzenich was awarded the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, for his work in discovering adult brain plasticity and applying its principles to improve the human condition.
He is a Professor Emeritus at the University of California at San Francisco, a member of both the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine, and the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Scientific Learning and Posit Science, and is the brain behind BrainHQ.
He is the author of Soft-Wired: How the New Science of Brain Plasticity Can Change Your Life.
During the 1980s, initial models of a commercially successful cochlear implant were developed in his laboratory at the University of California, San Francisco.
Dr. Merzenich has published more than 150 articles in leading peer-reviewed journals (such as Science and Nature) and has received numerous awards and prizes (including the Russ Prize, Ipsen Prize, Zülch Prize, Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award, and Purkinje Medal.) He and his work have been highlighted in hundreds of books about the brain, learning, rehabilitation, and plasticity.
In 2007, he retired from his long career at UCSF as Francis A. Sooy Professor and Co-Director of the Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1999 and the Institute of Medicine in 2008.
Martha Herbert, PhD, MD
Pediatric Neurologist & Neuroscientist
Martha Reed Herbert, PhD, MD, is a pediatric neurologist, neuroscientist, systems thinker, and writer who trained in medicine at Columbia University, Pediatrics at Cornell-New York Hospital and Neurology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Martha founded the collaborative multidisciplinary TRANSCEND Research Program, and she is also an ABM NeuroMovement Practitioner.
Martha Reed Herbert, PhD, MD
Pediatric Neurologist, Neuroscientist, Systems Thinker & Writer
Martha Reed Herbert, PhD, MD, is a pediatric neurologist, neuroscientist, systems thinker, and writer who trained in medicine at Columbia University, Pediatrics at Cornell-New York Hospital and Neurology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Martha founded the collaborative multidisciplinary TRANSCEND Research Program which takes a whole-body-brain approach to challenged brain development. She is also an ABM NeuroMovement Practitioner.
Prior to her medical training, Martha she received her PhD in the History of Consciousness at the University of California, Santa Cruz, writing her dissertation on the evolution and development of learning processes. She founded the Higher Synthesis Foundation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, whose mission is to study and inspire successful regenerative approaches to complex health and environmental problems, particularly those that fall under the umbrella of its “Gifted Clinicians, Transformative Treatments, Sensitive Measures” Project, and her Body-Brain-World thematic.
Martha is also the scientific director of the Documenting Hope Project and principal investigator of its FLIGHT™ (Facilitated Longitudinal Intensive Investigation of Genuine Health Transformation) which combines research with a film project to demonstrate, document, and study recovery from pediatric chronic illness.
She is the author of the book The Autism Revolution: Whole Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be as well as many scientific papers.
Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD
NeuroAnatomist & Author of My Stroke of Insight
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard trained and published neuroanatomist. In 1996, a blood vessel exploded in the left half of her brain and over the course of four hours she watched her mind completely deteriorate until she could not walk, talk, read, write or recall any of her life. It took eight years for her to completely recover all function. In 2008, Dr. Taylor gave the first TED talk that ever went viral.
Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD
NeuroAnatomist and Author of My Stroke of Insight
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard trained and published neuroanatomist. In 1996, a blood vessel exploded in the left half of her brain and over the course of four hours she watched her mind completely deteriorate until she could not walk, talk, read, write or recall any of her life. It took eight years for her to completely recover all function.
In 2008, Dr. Taylor gave the first TED talk that ever went viral, she was the premier guest on Oprah’s Soul Series, and she was named one as of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World for 2008. Her memoir My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey spent 63 weeks on the NY Times bestseller list and is translated in over 30 languages.
Dr. Taylor is committed to educating the public about neuroplasticity and the ability of the brain to recover from stroke or brain trauma. She is a highly sought after public speaker who travels the world, and she uses her not-for-profit organization Jill Bolte Taylor BRAINS to forward her mission.
Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH
Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Dr. Bethell is a Professor in the Bloomberg School of Public Health University, where she serves as the founding director of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) within the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health. She established and leads the National Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health.
Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH
Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Dr. Bethell is a Professor in the Bloomberg School of Public Health University, where she serves as the founding director of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) within the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health. She established and leads the National Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health (www.childhealthdata.org), one of the first resources in the US to liberate federal and state level data directly for public access and to advance research, policy, and practice based applications of population based data to improve individual, family, and community health.
She has been pivotal in the building the field of patient centered quality improvement through the design, testing, and dissemination of methods like the Health 2.0 recognized Well Visit Planner (www.wellvisitplanner.org), as well as through development of a national agenda to address childhood trauma and family health as cross cutting factors in human health and well-being.
Since 1996, Dr. Bethell has been a national leader in the development of child, family, and population health and systems performance measurement methods like the National Survey of Children’s Health and the first Consumer Assessment of Health Plans and Providers Survey (CAHPS) for children with special health care needs. Her work has focused on promoting early and lifelong health with a special focus on patient, family, and community centered engagement, addressing social determinants of health like adverse childhood experiences, advancing a positive construct for health and human flourishing, and translating neuroscience and integrative health methods.
She also leads the Maternal and Child Health Measurement Research Network to foster the actionable use of MCH measures and foster shared accountability across agencies and communities to advance MCH outcomes and system performance. She is passionate about enabling data-driven partnerships at all levels and translating the new brain sciences, mindfulness, and other mind-body methods to transform health and related services to prevent illness and promote thriving.
She writes poetry and enjoys all aspects of the creative process and is a fierce advocate of the transformative power of trusting relationships.
After surviving life-altering brain injuries, a former NFL Cheerleader and a young boy find healing through a groundbreaking method that takes their recovery above and beyond the medical system’s prognosis.
Speaking with the world’s top neuroscientists, A Life Unbound explores brain plasticity strategies and the role that they can play in revolutionizing the human experience.
The $5.00 fee to sign up will help to cover the filmmaker’s cost for producing this extraordinary documentary.