Share Your Story About the Anat Baniel Method®
Enter our Contest—Vote or Share Your Story!
The deadline is Friday, November 7, 2014.
By entering your email and name, and simply voting on a story, you are eligible to win an Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) DVD from the choices provided.
By entering a story, you are eligible to win an iPad Mini; and if your story gets the most votes, you will win a FREE ABM Lesson with Anat Baniel. Anyone can enter a story—you don’t need to be on Facebook. (Web Link to Contest)
We’d love to get more stories and more votes!
Below are the top three stories that have been entered, and there are more ABM stories to vote on!
Note: In order to vote, you need to log in with Facebook so that we can accurately track the votes.
The Story of Hawk
My son Hawk had a spontaneous brain hemorrhage at 3 weeks old. The massive extent of brain damage resulted in shunted hydrocephalus, global developmental delays, and seizures. After almost 2 years of traditional therapy 3 times a week we saw some gains but, were in desperate need of a break through! Praise God we found the Anat Baniel Method! After the first week of intensive at the center in CA, Hawk was a changed boy and we are not looking back! After returning home to Georgia, we stopped physical and occupational therapy and have been following up with ABM practitioners in Atlanta. Hawk LOVES his sessions and loves learning what his body can do. I tell everyone, “nothing is wrong with his body, the injury was to his brain and ABM helps his brain like nothing else could”. As a professional teacher myself, this therapy just makes sense, it reinforces everything I’ve been trained to do as a good teacher. Hawk still has a long road ahead of him, but ABM has given him a vehicle in which to ride. I can never thank God enough for leading us to this gift.
The Story of Maria
My health started to decline from the age of six when I had a very traumatic accident. I fell off [a horse] and smashed my head into a rock, concussed and was very battered, bruised, and completely numb, unable to move. My body and its movements never felt the same [after that]. I was further subjected to severe pain when I was involved in three car accidents. The accidents and difficult child births resulted in severe pain and chronic fatigue that lasted for decades. I searched every field covering every corner of the earth to find a way to heal my body. This ranged from traditional modern day scientific medicinal methods to alternative, natural, and ancient healing methods. Although each method helped me a little, it was temporary relief. Hence, the pain and chronic fatigue was “allowed” to negatively affect and limit every aspect of my life. Your method of healing did not allow that to go on the moment I tried it. What your method of healing was able to achieve, NOTHING was able to achieve. All those [presumed] irreversible damages to my body have disappeared. My body has gone back to what it felt like, and to an extent even what it looked like, as a youth. my body moves with fluency and with grace. I feel strong and have high levels of energy. As a result, emotionally I feel powerful, free, and liberated. This has positively changed my life in so many ways. I have the energy and suppleness of a child now, I even look different. The beauty and paradox of this method is that I achieved all these miraculous results with techniques that are so gentle and elegant. What you have created, in my experiential learning and assessment, is one of the most powerful healing practices in the world. Your method originally focuses on healing the body and brain, and in the process of doing so, it heals one’s soul in unimaginable ways. With Immense Respect & Gratitude —Maria N. Sydney, Australia
The Story of Nolan
Nolan was diagnosed with Mild Mixed Cerebral Palsy. At first, we did not know what this meant for Nolan in terms of his limitations and possibilities. All we knew was that Nolan is a champion with fierce determination and boundless potential. Today, we believe he will reach far beyond his diagnosis. We have made it our mission to help Nolan reach his full potential, thankfully, through the Anat Baniel Method, we have found our vehicle for reaching it. Our first trip to the ABM center was in August 2013. Nolan was 18-months old with little independent mobility. After our first week of therapy, Nolan started moving his body with freedom and was able to roll over for mobility. The results we saw were nothing short of miraculous. Since then — as a direct result of ABM and Nolan’s incredible determination — we have watched Nolan grow and develop in astonishing ways. We have made the trek south to the ABM center from the Central Oregon Coast to San Rafael ten times since the fall of 2013 for intensive sessions. After each trip, major milestones were achieved. Nolan has been learning how to use his brain in new ways, creating new connections around the damaged area. Now—at two years old—our intelligent little boy is crawling, pulling to standing, cruising on furniture, knee walking, balancing and is starting to find his voice. We believe that, with continued therapy, Nolan will soon gain the critical abilities we often take for granted – walking and talking. Along with Nolan’s tremendous progress, my husband and I continue to learn from Anat and her team. Our ability to be parents of a child with special needs and provide him with the opportunities to gain independence is a direct result of our journey with ABM.
Enter the Contest on Facebook here.
Enter the Contest on the web here.
Please Share on Twitter: #ShareABMStory
About the Anat Baniel Method®
Whether you are in good health or have a limiting diagnosis, the Anat Baniel Method® gives you tools to make the impossible possible and to live life more fully, with greater joy and success.
The Anat Baniel Method® is a cutting-edge, science-based NeuroMovement® approach that transforms the lives of children and adults, helping them move beyond pain and limitation. By accessing the amazing powers of the brain to change itself the method helps people discover how to improve the mind and body. Supported by current brain research, these innovative ABM movement exercises and the Nine Essentials will wake up your brain to create new connections and patterns, dramatically enhancing physical, cognitive, emotional, and creative performance.
Thank you for spreading the word and for taking the time to vote and to write your stories and enter them. GOOD LUCK!