Emily: A Girl with Scoliosis
NeuroMovement® Testimonial
“My daughter Emily was diagnosed with an S-type idiopathic scoliosis when she was 10 years old. She wore that brace 20 hours each day. She became progressively worse over the course of 2 years.
When Emily turned 12, the doctor felt she should wear the more traditional hard brace (23 hours per day) which would restricted her movement substantially. He also felt that surgery might be necessary in the future.
It was at this time I met Anat Baniel and Emily was introduced to her Method.
We threw away the brace and continued to see Anat every other month for lessons. Emily’s thoracic curvature remained the same over the next two-and-a -half years and her lumbar curve decreased by 5 degrees.
ABM [NeuroMovement] not only arrested the curvature, but improved Emily’s posture and breathing. It is hard to tell Emily has scoliosis because the work has taught her how to make her body work more efficiently.
She stands straighter, no longer has trouble breathing and is able to dance without any difficulty. She did not have to wear a brace which would have inhibited her from accomplishing so many physical achievements, not to mention the psychological effect it would have had on her.
Anat Baniel’s method has given Emily a new life and for that I will always be grateful.”
—Diane J., Mother of Emily