NeuroMovement Revolution Episode 8
How Many Interventions, and Which Ones Are Good for My Child?
As we noted in our last blog post, we’ve changed the format of our NeuroMovement® Revolution Podcast. We’ll be discussing two different topics during the 1-hour time frame and then separate these topics into two 30-minute episodes. This is the second topic from our last podcast.
Episode 8 – How Many Interventions, and Which Ones Are Good for My Child?
In the last 20 years in the US, the number of options that parents have in choosing how to help their child has grown dramatically and continues to grow and evolve. This is a wonderful and important trend. However, it often leaves the parents wondering which of the interventions to provide their child. And how many should the child be exposed to at any given time? By what criteria can parents judge and decide?
In this podcast, Anat Baniel and Neil Sharp discuss:
- the learning process and how optimal learning occurs in small units of time
- the need for rest after learning in order to fully integrate what has been learned
- recommended criteria for deciding which interventions to use with your child
- true learning is pleasurable; we are built to enjoy learning!
- related questions from the audience
Click on the links below to learn more:
Read Anat Baniel’s book Kids Beyond Limits.
Find a certified NeuroMovement® Practitioner in your area.
Become a certified Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Practitioner.