To schedule consults or private sessions with Anat Baniel or one of the ABM Center Practitioners in the San Rafael, California, ABM Center, we ask that you fill out a Lesson Request Form.
We require every request in writing, without exception.
We schedule consultations and appointments on a first-come, first-served basis in conjunction with Anat’s recommended program.
We recommend that you come for a minimum of two consecutive weeks, with an option to stay longer. Each week will consist of 10 lessons total.
- First week – Anat does one consult of up to 1 hour (including a full 1/2-hour lesson), and possibly one additional 30 minute lesson. The remaining 8-9 lessons are done by two of our ABM Center Team Practitioners: Neil Sharp, Michelle Vine, or Naomi Swanson.
- Second and additional weeks – Anat does 1-2 lessons (30 min). The remaining 8-9 lessons are done by two of our ABM Center Team Practitioners: Neil Sharp, Michelle Vine, or Naomi Swanson.
- Note: Chris Krzyzkowski is now our traveling ABM Center Practitioner.
OUT OF TOWN/STATE CLIENTS (including Canada)
Clients generally come for a minimum of one week (Monday-Friday), for a total of 10 lessons, one in the morning and one in the afternoon each day. Of the 10 lessons, Anat does one consult of up to 1 hour (including a full 1/2-hour lesson), and possibly one additional 30 minute lesson. The remaining 8-9 lessons are done by two of our ABM Center Team Practitioners: Neil Sharp, Michelle Vine, or Naomi Swanson.
Note: Chris Krzyzkowski is now our traveling ABM Center Practitioner.
We recommend starting with a consult with either Anat or one of our ABM Center Team Practitioners. Additional lessons may also be booked at the same week the consult takes place.
A consult is a full ABM NeuroMovement® one-on-one lesson + time at end for discussion, program recommendation, and follow up.
- Consult with Anat Baniel – up to 1/2-hour lesson + up to 1/2-hour discussion
- Consult with ABM Team Practitioner – 45-minute ABM lesson + 15-minute discussion
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® is a learning-based method, not a medical provider. As a result, we are unable to assign treatment codes, submit insurance claims, or work with health insurance providers. We also do not keep medical records and thus are unable to supply them.
We are happy to provide you with a receipt indicating the number of lessons received, the amount paid, and the description of the services provided as “neuromuscular re-education” for you to submit to your health insurance company, if you so choose.
Get a Lesson Request Form
Please e-mail or call 415-847-1311 to get a Lesson Request Form.
Fill out the form and email it to the scheduling address above or fax it to the office at 415-472-6624.
Soon after receipt of your request form, we will e-mail a confirmation letter with the proposed consultation and/or scheduled lessons. We will await your confirmation back.
Please confirm your schedule with us within one week of receiving your confirmation letter by signing and returning the letter via email or fax.