Additional Information Provided: This person is bedridden with very limited movement in her limbs and she has significant difficulty in talking.


We have found Anat Baniel Method (ABM) NeuroMovement to be very useful for brain damage. This includes damage due to lack of oxygen, mostly with babies and young children. We have had some very positive results in these cases.

Click here to learn more about brain injury and strokes in babies and children.

Since ABM NeuroMovement principles don’t change between children and adults, it would certainly be worth a try.

Read more about rehabilitation and recovery of function with NeuroMovement.


NeuroMovement takes advantage of the amazing powers of the brain to change for the better through movement, combined with the 9 Essentials. Learn More.

The 9 Essentials offer you concrete and immediate ways to easily tap into your brain’s enormous potential. Learn More.

Our podcasts and workshops are a great way to learn more about the Method and its 9 Essentials, and to further accelerate your progress. See our Calendar.

You can experience and benefit from this Method by doing one of our ABM NeuroMovement® DVD, CD, and Online Programs. View our products.

A powerful way to be introduced to this Method is through private sessions with a certified Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Practitioner. Find a Practitioner.