Story of Emily: A Young Girl with Scoliosis
We received this extraordinary letter from Emily, a girl who came to the ABM Center in San Rafael, California, for private lessons. We were thrilled with the outcomes she received and that we were able to help her move past her limitations.
In a different life, I was a ten-year old girl terrified of her future. When the orthopedist diagnosed me with an S-shaped scoliosis curve, I sat in his office and absorbed as many blurred words as I could. He held up chunks of plastic and metal, and talked of possible surgery if necessary in the distant future. I left the office confused, upset, vulnerable, and wearing a more flexible back brace made of plastic, stretchy fibers, and snaps. In the eyes of a child, such a restriction is punishment.
For the next two years, I continued to adapt my life to meet the limitations of my body. Around this time, I began to take a few dance classes a week to hopefully help my back. I expected success, but only in dreams did I ever make any progress with my technique. As my parents and I grew more concerned about my health and well-being, my curvature and rotation increased.
Then, in June of 2001, fate brought me to Anat Baniel. When a mutual friend of Anat and my family learned of my condition, she excitedly urged me to participate in a seminar to be held in Chicago. I now had a tough decision to make. Did I still have enough faith in the conventional treatment for scoliosis, or could I find the courage to start a journey with an unknown outcome? Frustrated that my brace was only adding to the existing curve, I grasped the opportunity.
I began seeing Anat every eight weeks in California for lessons. The change during and after each lesson was immediate and enormous. I discovered parts of my body that I never knew could move so freely. My breathing became much steadier as my rib cage and chest learned to be free. Anat also showed my back how to lie flat and twist with full range of motion, as well as my hips how to be loose to allow for better walking.
I continued to dance more than ever and started to make tremendous improvement when I began Anat Baniel Method [NeuroMovement].
With all of these physical changes come emotional changes to follow. With Anat’s work, I am more confident, happy, and ready to seize opportunities I might never have considered before. I am proud to say my life began at twelve.
With Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, we recognize that the structure of the back does not need to be perfect or symmetrical in order for the person with scoliosis to have full functioning.
Additional Resources
Read a few words from Emily’s mom about this Method.
Learn Five Ways To Inform Your Brain and Increase Your Mobility and Well-Being
Read the article “Movement and Learning Based-Approach to Working with Scoliosis.”
Please share this information with others: This is good news for scoliosis!