Children with Special Needs Inspire Their Parents
The Stories of Jewel & Ivana and Kaden & Aida
This is the sixth in a series of blog posts featuring the stories we received in our Share Your Story About the Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) Contest. We hope that you are finding these stories helpful and inspiring! If you missed any of the previous posts, you can go directly to the NeuroMovement Resources in our Blog to read them.
The Story of Jewel & Ivana
My daughter Jewel was born three months early, and she is a surviving twin. She was given the cerebral palsy label, along with many other labels.
For 10 years, Jewel participated in traditional occupational and physical therapy, including speech and a lot of alternative methods. She did not make any progress with traditional therapy.
We found out about the Anat Baniel Method (ABM) a few summers ago, dropped everything, and flew to Oahu to take an intensive with a traveling ABM Practitioner.
We saw Jewel respond instantly to ABM. She calmed down and her body started to transform under the hands of the ABM Practitioner.
We immediately held a fundraiser to take Jewel to the California ABM Center, where Anat worked with Jewel. After her session with Anat, I was putting Jewel in her car seat and she whispered, “Thank you God.”
I will never forget this moment when Jewel declared her gratefulness and acknowledged that Anat was to be her teacher.
Jewel responded to Anat in a life-changing way. She knew that Anat could really SEE her, and saw her potential.
Thanks to Anat’s and Verena’s encouragement, I am now in the training program. I clean houses for a living and with the support of donations, my clients, and the awareness jewelry that I make to sell, I have been able to stay in the trainings.Recently our Shriner’s doctor thought that Jewel would walk across the room to him, because Jewel’s body has transformed so much. Jewel’s hips have stabilized, her spine is straight, and her pain is less. Her speech has improved, and over this summer, her vision improved after one intensive.
Now at 13 years old, Jewel is reading! Miracles never expire and the work of ABM is helping to transform and shape a better life for my daughter Jewel.
And, using the 9 Essentials has helped me become a better mother who can stay in the present and enjoy my child.
Always believe in your child.
—Ivana Gadient, Jewel’s Mom
Ivana Gadient is now a certified ABM NeuroMovement® Practitioner located in Kihei, Hawaii. You can contact Ivana at 808-264-3976 or email her at
The Story of Kaden & Aida
When I found out that my baby had special needs my world fell apart. I had to part from the idea of a typical child. I felt hopeless.
Nothing was helping my son. Everything we did traditionally to help Kaden made him rebellious, and we got further from our goals for him.
After accidentally discovering your method, Kaden began intensive ABM lessons, and I saw a different, happier, confident child emerge.
I was so blown away by what ABM was doing for Kaden that I decided to charge into a life-changing adventure of my own that I never dreamed possible. I began my own training with you.
It was the best decision I have made for my son, as well as myself. I’m grateful for the lifelong skills you’re giving us to ensure continuous growth for my boy.You have given me more than these brilliant skills—you have given me hope and happiness back!
Thank you from the bottom of my ♡
Yours truly, Aida, Kaden’s Mom
Aida Kadic is now a certified ABM NeuroMovement® Practitioner in Mississauga, just outside Toronto, Ontario, Canada. You can contact Aida at 416-828-0799 or go to for more information.
Thank you, Ivana and Aida, for sharing these inspirational stories about how ABM has impacted your children’s and your lives!
Anat Baniel
Be sure to check out our NeuroMovement® videos, lessons, and tips on how to use the Nine Essentials. We’ll be posting these on Facebook: